Grassroots movements
About this Collection
This collection explores several collective-action movements that are deeply rooted in the concerns and activism of local communities, but also operate within a Transatlantic or even global context. Global and local at the same time, these movements pushed for cultural change, peace, and social justice. How do they try to achieve local goals within an international struggle?
Provo: An amsterdam phenomenon in transatlantic context
Provo’s legacy has produced an abundance of imagery that transcended Dutch borders and showed Provo’s strong engagement with the Cold War climate of the day. The Provo movement’s legacy could also not be contained by the Atlantic, and Provos erupted across the United States in the 1960s too.
Image ©
The transatlantic women's anti-nuclear movement
Rooted in the protests of the previous decades, a transatlantic movement against nuclear energy emerged during the late 1970s. For those who protested against capitalism, militarism, modernism, and environmental degradation, nuclear weapons were a logical target.
Image © NRC 1984
"We are the 99%"
occupy in the Netherlands and on wall street
The slogan “We are the 99%” became the rallying call to participants of the Occupy Wall Street Movement, referring to how the economic top 1% of the country ruled over the middle-, lower and poor socio-economic classes. Protests took up in the Netherlands in November 2011 after the Wall Street movement grew into a global one.
Image © Adbusters